Not Your Average Operator, Ep: 026 – Taking on 2021

Not Your Average Operator, Ep: 026 - Taking on 2021

The boys talk about the upside and downside that comes with a new year, and new goals. Many associate the new year with the window of big opportunity, but for too many, it’s the beginning of a fleeting goal that’s short lived. Mike speaks about how at the crux of it all, the best practice is to make any specific day unimportant. Simply, treat every day as a battle, and focus on conquering those goals now, not some special day in the future. Raf reveals that before he looks into the future, he analyzes the past.


He believes you should too. This forces you to dig up the foundation of why you failed to achieve the things that eluded you. Exercise real gratitude when you draw your goals up. Melon emphasizes the importance to make goals attainable, and if possible, structured. This helps keep your momentum going and keeps stoking the fire. Mike encourages everyone with the importance of being comfortable with being uncomfortable.


This mantra is a currency in his profession and has served them well. Raf discusses how he framed his goals for 2021 based off of what he lost in 2020. During that moment of clarity, he highlights the loss of the biggest commodity, that we have the least of, time. Finally, Melon falls back on sage advice partitioned by the great Stephen Covey. He categorizes his life as prescribed in, “To live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy.” Melon similarly brings up the value in making all his future goals principal based, versus outcome based. This, and allowing yourself flexibility gives you space to maneuver and not get anchored to a belief or goal that can quickly become archaic in the face of new information.


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