NYAO, Ep: 056 – Positive and Negative Reinforcement
“Never starve your people of food or compliments”
– Colonel Brewster (Tour of Duty TV series)
“Praise from the praiseworthy is high praise indeed.”
– Heath Bartlett
We have all seen or received both highly effective and highly ineffective feedback. What is it about the very impactful feedback that makes a difference?
Raf has just returned from his most recent deployment and is enjoying well-earned family time, so Mike and Melon share their insights in the area of optimizing performance when delivering feedback. We will all have occasions in our personal or professional lives where we need to help others increase their output or execution. It could be at work, a sporting team, or in the family environment.
Main areas covered:
– Give assurance and confidence
– Build personal and team pride
– Develop a sense of accomplishment
– Praise in public, criticize in private
– Positive v negative
– Public v private
– General v specific
– Earned v unearned
– Professional v personal
– Requirement to include steps for improvement- the “How”
– Proximity in time
– Credibility of the assessor
We have appreciated each and every piece of feedback we have received over the past 55 episodes, as we are striving to improve and to provide quality content for you. Please share this widely in your community and feel free to reach out to your team:
Paul “Melon” McFadden
Raf “Tio” Espinosa