Ep: 022 – After the Storm

Heroes Media Group Network
Heroes Media Group Network
Ep: 022 - After the Storm

When you think of a storm what comes to mind, rain, thunder, lighting, wind perhaps.  What happens after the storm?

We often equate our trials or hard times in life with storms and rainy days.  With every hard trial, there is a rainbow and blessing that will come our way.  If you are going through a storm in your life right now, have faith!  Storms are only temporary, focus on the rainbows, focus on the blessings, focus on being positive.

What happens if it doesn’t rain?  Why is rain so important in our lives?

The thing is, if it never rains, we can never grow.

Be sure to grab my book “Positive People Make Things Happen” on my website https://brianhazelgren.com/books/and be sure to check out my workshop “Master Positive Thinking” 

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