Ep: 131 – Karl Monger – Founder of GallantFew

The Decision Hour
The Decision Hour
Ep: 131 - Karl Monger - Founder of GallantFew

It’s always special when we have Karl Monger on the show.  Call is no stranger to the show or the HMG family.  Karl is the Founder and Executive Director of GallantFew Inc. a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization that has been around since 2013 and who’s mission has helped thousands of veterans transition successfully into civilian life.  Karl has developed or helped develop countless programs for veterans that all can be found on www.gallantfew.org

He is a Army Ranger Veteran, Husband, Father, Mentor and Friend! Karl is also the Author of “Common Sense Transition” that can be found on amazon and was the executive producer of the award winning 2015 veteran short film “Prisoner of War”.

Take a listen to Karl’s story and hear him discuss some of the new programs coming to GallantFew such as the “WAM PROJECT”, What the S.T.A.R. System means and an upcoming event Called VetXpo www.vetxpo.com.


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